All the items that belong Corel PaintShop Pro X9 that have been left behind will be found and you will be able to delete them.

After removing Corel PaintShop Pro X9, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will offer to run a cleanup. Advanced Uninstaller PRO will then uninstall Corel PaintShop Pro X9. accept the removal by clicking Uninstall. Below you can find details on how to uninstall it from your PC. It was created for Windows by Corel Corporation. Open here for more info on Corel Corporation. Click on to get more details about Corel PaintShop Pro X9 on Corel Corporation's website. The application is frequently located in the C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel PaintShop Pro X9 directory (same installation drive as Windows). C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel PaintShop Pro X9\Setup\\SetupARP.exe /arpħ. How to uninstall Corel PaintShop Pro X9 from your computerThis web page is about Corel PaintShop Pro X9 for Windows.